Some Bizzare Hindu births in Hindu scriptures which exposes Vedick Science about fertilization

Sourastra Das
6 min readDec 8, 2021


1. Baby got birth from a Man's stomach

इष्टिं स्म वर्तयांचक्रुरेंद्रीं ते सुसमाहिता:. राजा तद् यज्ञसदनं प्रविष्टो निशि तर्षितः, दृष्ट्वा शयानान् विप्रांस्तान् पपौ मन्त्रजलं स्वयम्. ततः काल उपावृत्ते कुक्षिं निर्भिद्य दक्षिणम्, युवनाश्वस्य तनयश्चक्रवर्ती जजान ह. मांधाता.

- srimad Bhagvat Purana 9/6/26-31

It is mentioned in Shrimad Bhagwat Purana that once King Yuvanashva created Indrayajya. Suffering from thirst at night, he reached the Yagyasala. Seeing the priests sleeping there, he took water from a pitcher and drank it. That water was enchanted with son-producing mantras, so after some time a child was born from the king's stomach by tearing his right womb, who later became a Chakravarti king named Mandhata.

2.Childbirth from Nose :

It is mentioned in Vishnu Purana that Manu sneezed and a son fell in front of him:

क्षुतवतश्त मनोरिक्ष्वाकुः पुत्रो जज्ञे घ्राणतः

-Vishnupuran 4/2/11

That is, at the time of sneezing, a son named Ikshvaku was born from Manu's nose. child with semen in lap

3. Children born when Semen of erotic shiva fall in the lap of Brahma because God Shiva can't control his lust just after seeing the Thumb of Parvati

It is said in Shiva Purana that when Parvati had just made four circumambulations in the marriage of Shiva and Parvati, Brahma saw Parvati's thumb. As soon as he saw her, he became erotic and his semen ejaculated. That semen fell in the lap of Brahma. He tried to hide it, but innumerable brahmacharis were born from it.

Shiva purana Gyaansamhita chapter 18

प्रदक्षिणं तथा चाग्नेश्चतुर्धा च कृतं तदा, ब्रह्मणः स्खलनं जातं. शिवांगुष्ठदर्शनात्. तद् गोपितं तदा तेन ह्युत्संगे पतितं च यत्, ततो जातास्त्वसंख्याता बटुका ब्रह्मसूत्रकाः

4. Child after thousand years from the fallen semen of sex addict God Krishna

It is mentioned in Brahmavaivarta Purana that when Krishna ejaculates his semen, Shamelessly mixed in water. A thousand years later a child was born from him:

कृष्णस्य कामबाणेन रेत: पातो बभूव ह,
जले तद्रेचनं चक्रे लज्जया सुरसंसदि सहस्रवत्सरांते तड् डिंभरूपं बभूव ह,
ततो महान् विराड् जज्ञे

- Brahmavaivarta Purana, Brahmakhand, 4/23-24

That is, the semen of Krishna, which was subdued by lust, ejaculated. He hid it in shame and dropped it in the water in the Dev Sabha. After a thousand years, he became an ovum and from that the great Virata was born.

5. The story when Ved Vyas lost his control while seeing an apsara and dropped his semen on a wood and from that fallen semen a son was born

Devi Bhagavata Purana tells that once Ved Vyas was doing aranimanthan (rubbing bamboo sticks) for the purpose of lighting a fire for the yagya, when he became enamored after seeing a nymph named Ghritachi. They ejaculated, which fell on wood. From him was born a son with a shape similar to Vyasa, who was called Shukdev.

कामस्तु देहे व्यासस्य दर्शनादेव संगतः. बहुशो गृह्यमाणं च घृताच्या मोहितं मनः, मंथनं कुर्वतस्तस्य मुनेरग्निचिकीर्षया, अरण्यामेव सहसा तस्य शुक्रमथापतत्. सोविचिंत्य तथा पातं ममंथारणिमेव च, तस्माच्छुक: समुद्भूतो व्यासाकृतिमनोहर

- Devi Bhagwat Purana 1/14/4-8

That is, on seeing her (Ghritachi Apsara), Vyas became erotic. Ghritachi took away his mind. While churning Arani to create fire, the semen of the sage fell on Arani itself. Irrespective of that, Vyas kept on churning. From him was born a child named Shuka with the shape of a diameter.

6. Childbirth from a Pot (kalash in Hinduism)

Bharadwaj once went to bathe in the Ganges. There he took a bath and saw an Apsara named Ghritachi changing clothes. His cloth slipped from one part of his body. Seeing him, Bharadwaj's semen ejaculated, which he kept in a Drona (both or cup). A child was born from him, who was called 'Drona' because of being born from Drona.

गंगाद्वारं प्रति महान् बभूव भगवानृषिः भरद्वाज इति ख्यातः ददर्शाप्सरसं साक्षाद् घृताचीमाप्लुतामृषिः, रूपयौवनसम्पन्नां मददृप्तां मदालसाम्. तस्या पुनर्नदीतीरे वसनं पर्यवर्तत, व्यपकृष्टांबरां दृष्ट्वां तामृषिश्चकमे ततः. तत्र संसक्तमनसो भरद्वाजस्य धीमतः, ततोऽस्य रेतश्चस्कंद तदृषिद्रोण आदधे. ततः समभवद् द्रोण: कलशे तस्य धीमतः. -
Mahabharata Adiparva, 129/33-38

7. Human baby born from cow

It is mentioned in the Padma Purana that a Mahatma once gave such a fruit to a childless Brahmin named Atmaram, whose eating could automatically lead to pregnancy. The Brahmin did not eat this fruit himself and fed it to his cow.

त्रिमासे निर्गते चाथ सा धेनु: सुषुवेऽर्भकम्, सर्वांगसुंदरं दिव्यं निर्मलं कनकप्रभम्. भाग्योदयोऽधुना जात आत्मदेवस्य पश्यत, धेन्वा बाल: प्रसूतस्तु, देवरूपीति कौतुकम्. गोकर्णं तं सुतं दृष्ट्वा गोकर्णं नाम चाकरोत्

- Padmapuran, Uttarakhand, 4/62-65

That is, after three months the cow gave birth to a beautiful, divine and shining boy like gold. People started saying out of pride, look at Atmdev's today Luck has awakened. The ears of that child were like the ears of a cow, so Atmadev named the child 'Gokarna'.

8. Birth of Kripacharya from Reeds because Sage Sharadwan ejaculated his semen on reeds after seeing an Apsara

The Mahabharata tells that when Sharadwan Rishi saw Ekavasana, a nymph named Janapadi, in the forest, she ejaculated, which fell on bunch of reeds. From him a child named Kripa was born, who became the teacher of the Kauravas and the Pandavas. Mahabharata writes:

ततो जानपदीं नाम देवकन्यां सुरेश्वरः प्राहिणोत्. तामेकवसनां दृष्ट्वा गौतमोऽप्सरसं वने, प्रोत्फुल्लनयनोऽभवत् धनुश्च हि शरास्तस्य कराभ्यामपतन् भुवि वेपथुश्चापि तां दृष्ट्वा शरीरे समजायत. सुस्राव रेतोऽस्य. रेतस्तत् तस्य शरस्तंबे पपात तस्याथ मिथुनं जज्ञे गौतमस्य शरद्वत:, मृगयां चरतो राज्ञः शंतनोस्तु. स राज्ञे दर्शयामास मिथुनं सशरं धनु:. कृपया यन्मया बालाविमौ संवर्धिताविति. तस्मात् तयोर्नाम चक्रे तदेव स महीपतिः

Mahabharat Adu parva 129.6-20

That is, then Indra sent an Apsara named Janapadi. Seeing him wearing a robe in the forest, Shardwan's eyes burst. The bow and arrow fell from his hand. The body started trembling. His semen ejaculated. That semen fell on the bunch of reeds. Two children (a boy and a girl) were born to him. One of his men showed these children to King Shantanu, who went out to hunt. He brought them home.

9. Birth of satyavati (mother of ved vyas) from the womb of Fish when a King named Uparichara ejaculated his semen and then dropped it in a river

The story of King Uparichara comes in the Mahabharata, in which it is said that once the said king was ejaculated in the forest. He picked it up and placed it on the leaf and sent it to his wife by the hawk to hold it. When the bird was carrying it, another eagle pounced on it, due to which the semen fell into the river below and it was swallowed by a nymph made of fish. After ten months that fish was caught. In his stomach the fishermen found a boy and a girl. King Uparichar named the boy 'Matsya' and adopted him, while the girl was handed over to the fishermen, who later became famous as Satyavati and became the mother of Parashara's son Vyasa.

राजोपरिचरेत्येवं नाम तस्याथ विश्रुतम् तस्य रेत: प्रचस्कंद चरतो गहने वने. स्कन्नमात्रं च तद् रेतो वृक्षपत्रेण भूमिपः प्रतिजग्राह श्येनं ततोऽब्रवीत् मत्प्रियार्थमिदं सौम्य शुक्रं मम गृहं नय. अभ्यद्रवच्च श्येनपादपरिभ्रष्टं जग्राह तं सद्यो दृष्ट्वैवामिषशंकया. तद् वीर्यमथ वासवम्. तरसोपेत्य साद्रिका मत्स्यरूपिणी, कदाचिदपि मत्सीं तां बबंधुर्मत्स्यजीविन:. मासे दशमे प्राप्ते च तदा भरतसत्तम, उज्जह्रुरुदरात् तस्याः स्त्रीं पुमांसं च मानुषम्. तयोः पुमांसं जग्राह राजा परिचरस्तदा, स मत्स्यो नाम राजासीद् सा कन्या दुहिता तस्या राजा धार्मिकः मत्स्या, दत्ता दाशाय. द्वैपायनो जज्ञे सत्यवत्यां पराशरात्

- Mahabharat Adi Parva 63/34, 49-50,54,57,59-61,63,67,86

10. Birth of Rama and his Brothers after their respective moms ate Rice Pudding (kheer)
Father of Rama dashrath wasn't able to Conceive a son even after forcing Rama's mother kaushalya to sleep with a horse in Ashwamesha Ritual to obtain a son.

Ramayana Balkand, 16/11, 15-20,30

That is, a man came out of the fire pit of that sacrifice. In his hands was a container full of kheer. Giving the pot to Dasharatha, he said, "Rajan, give this kheer to your wives to eat. This will give you sons. ' "The queens ate it and became pregnant. At the proper time they gave birth to four sons.

ततो वै यजमानस्य पावकादतुलप्रभवम् प्रादुर्भूतं महद् भूतं महावीर्यं महाबलम्, दिव्यपायससंपूर्णां पात्रीं पत्नीमिव प्रियाम्, प्रगृहय विपुलां दोर्भ्यां स्वयं मायामयीमिव. भार्याणामनुरूपाणामश्नीतेति प्रयच्छ वै, तासु त्वं लप्स्यसे पुत्रान् यदर्थं यजसे नृप. ततस्तु ता: प्राश्य तमुत्तमस्त्रियो महीपतेरुत्तमपायसं प्रतिपेदिरे समवेक्ष्याब्रवीद् वाक्यमिदं दशरथं नृपम् पृथक्, हुताशनादित्यसमानतेजसोऽचिरेण गर्भान् तदा



Sourastra Das
Sourastra Das

Written by Sourastra Das

Indian rationalist atheist Journalist photographer

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